Create / update portfolios using the Quantitative Analysis tool

Quantitative charts can be generated for product comparisons, or complete portfolios. Additionally, portfolios can be created and updated using the products you have selected in the Quantitative Analysis tool.   

Create a new portfolio

1. Add the products to the quantitative tool

2. Tick 'Calculate as a portfolio' in the Settings panel

3. A 'Weight' column and 'Rebalance' / 'Save' buttons will appear, enter the weight for each product or use the Rebalance button to equally weight the products.


4. Click 'Save'. In the box enter the name for your new portfolio, or add to an existing portfolio


Note: the performance of individual products within a portfolio can be analysed by simply un-ticking 'Calculate as a portfolio' and re-generating the charts. The 'Weight' column will be become hidden however the assigned product weights will be retained.       


Import, analyse and update an existing portfolio

1. Add an existing portfolio



2. Click on the + sign next to the portfolio name to view the underlying products in the portfolio:

  • modify the weights;
  • delete products using the black cross; or
  • add new products to your portfolio using the 'Add' button


3. Click 'Save' and 'Update' the portfolio initially imported if you make any changes.


4. Generate charts using the Chart Settings area.


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