Deleting & De-selecting Products

Products can be removed from chart calculations by un-selecting or deleting the product.

De-select a product

If you only want to exclude a product from one calculation you are running but may want to use it later, click on the tick box to the left of product to remove it from the list. 

The Growth History bar will be blanked out to show it will not be included in this calculation.

When you want to include the product again, simply click back on the tick box to activate. 

Deleting a product

If you wish to permanently remove a product from your calculations, click on the cross icon to the right of the product.

If you wish to permanently remove all items, click on 'delete all'.

Note: using delete all, will also remove the products from your Workbench.

 1. Delete or de-select the product


2. Re-generate the charts by clicking GENERATE CHARTS in the Chart Setting box

Once you have the products selected for your calculations, simply click on the Generate Charts buttons in the Chart setting box to the left to run the charts. 

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