Creating a Product Group

Product Groups are useful if there is a group of products you need to access information for on a regular basis and monitor and review, for example your APL.

A Product Group allows you to quickly filter and access products relevant to you, saving you time searching for them each time in Product Search, adding them quickly to portfolios or for use in Quantitative Analysis. You can also set up alerts for rating changes and regular reports for saved Product Groups.


You are able to create Product Groups from multiple points as you work across iRate. Below is a summary of the key methods:


Via Product Search

Product Search can be used to create both simple and highly tailored Product Groups.

You can use the filters to tailor the search results to suit your requirements and build and add on to existing or create new Product Groups using the functionality across Product Search,

For example, a simple Product Group can be created by searching for funds in 'Australian Equities' which are 'Highly Recommended'. 

Alternatively, highly tailored Product groups can be created using more specific search criteria, the various filters across Product Search and built incrementally using multiple searches. Learn more about the Product Search filters

Product Groups can be used for all all investment products types (funds, stocks, ETF's, Listed Income, LIC/LIT's and super funds) and they can be saved in the same Product Group or you can create individual Product Groups for each investment type, as you prefer.

Note: if you are on the Managed Funds tab and filter by a Product Group which has multiple product types in it, only the managed funds will be returned in the search results. To see all product types saved in your Product Group together, use the All Products tab.


Creating a Product Group

1. Search for your products - use codes and/or the filters as required

Tip: to create a product list in iRate for which you have the APIR codes, simply paste the APIR codes into the search box, select the funds and click 'Create Product Group'.  More...
2. From the search results area if you want all search results move to step 3. If you want only a few of the returned products, tick the check box to the left of the product name & click on Shortlisted Products.

3. Click on 'Create Product Group'
4. Enter a name for the Product Group



Adding more products to an existing Product Group
1. Follow steps 1 to 3 above
4. In the pop up select the existing Product Group from the bottom drop down menu and click add 



Via the Product Groups page

You can access your My Product Groups page, via the Custom Settings menu on the main menu bar



  1. Click on Create New and name your product group
  2. Select 'Add Product'
  3. Enter the APIR, ASX code, or the product name in the search box. 


Tip: to create a product list in iRate for which you have the APIR codes, simply paste the APIR codes into the search box and hit search.  More...

For information on managing your Product Groups click here...

Monitoring of your Product Groups, click here...

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