What benchmark should I use for a portfolio/ multi-asset product?

When creating a portfolio, or reviewing a portfolio or multi-asset products against a benchmark we recommend you use the Financial Express (FE) multi-asset benchmarks. 

These are named: FE UT PG Multi-Asset xxx Index

When creating your portfolios in the Portfolio Construction Tool, the appropriate benchmark below aligned to the Strategy you selected will automatically be loaded for you. These can be changed in the settings area of Portfolio Construction at any time.


FE Benchmark Growth Allocation FE Definition
FE UT PG Multi-Asset Cautious Index Maximum 20% growth Funds which invest a maximum of 20% of assets within Equities and the remainder in a combination of Fixed Interest Securities, Property, Hedge funds and Structured Products
FE UT PG Multi-Asset Moderate Index Maximum 40% growth Funds which invest a maximum of 40% of assets within Equities, with a minimum holding of 20% Equities and the remainder in a combination of Fixed Interest Securities and Structured Products
FE UT PG Multi-Asset Balanced Index  Maximum 60% growth Funds which invest a maximum of 60% of assets within Equities, with a minimum holding of 40% Equities and the remainder in a combination of Fixed Interest Securities, Property, Hedge funds and Structured Products
FE UT PG Multi-Asset Growth Index  Minimum 60% growth  Funds which invest a minimum of 60% of assets within Equities and the remainder in a combination of Fixed Interest Securities, Property, Hedge funds and Structured Products
FE UT PG Multi-Asset Aggressive Index  Minimum 80% growth Funds which invest a minimum of 80% of assets within Equities and the remainder in a combination of Fixed Interest Securities, Property, Hedge funds and Structured Products
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