Listed Income: How is risk assessment determined?

You can filter your search results based on Lonsec's risk rating for Listed Income products.

The risk rating categories range from Low to Speculative:  

  • Low - a low risk assessment indicates that a majority of the risks are rated as low and the overall risk score is below 34 which indicates strong credit quality.
  • Moderate - a moderate risk assessment indicates that a majority of the risks are rated as moderate and the overall risk score is between 35 and 50 which indicates good credit quality.
  • High - a high risk assessment indicates that a majority of the risks are rated as high and the overall risk score is between 51 and 69 which indicates low credit quality.
  • Speculative - a speculative risk assessment indicates that a majority of the risks are rated very high and that the overall risk score is between 70 and 80 which indicates the issue is below investment grade and has speculative qualities.



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