Custom products can be viewed and added to analysis in Quantitative Analysis via two options:
1. via the Custom Product area; or
2. directly in Portfolio Construction
Note: as only growth return data is used for Custom Products, not all charts in Quantitative Analysis will be available or return results
Option 1 - via the Custom Products page
Go to Custom Settings > Custom Products
From this dashboard select the Custom Product(s) you want to use in a Portfolio by clicking on the tick box to the left of the name
Once you have selected the product additional functionalities will appear in the menu bar above, click on Export and select 'Quantitative Analysis'
You will be taken to the Quantitative Analysis page with the selected Custom Product(s) showing in the table
Option 2 - via Quantitative Analysis
1.To add a Custom Product click on 'Add', from the drop down menu box select the 'Custom Product' option.
3. Select the Custom Product(s) you wish to add to your analysis
2. When you have your product loaded, and depending on the growth history of data available you can run the a number of performance and risk charts via the left hand settings column.
You are able to run charts and analysis for multiple Custom Products together or with other products or portfolios you have created.
Learn more about Quantitative Analysis