Viewing the Comparison Results

Once you have the Options selected, view the details for each Option on screen or download a report.

Viewing the comparison on screen 

1. Tab between the different Report Tabs to view and compare information for your selected Super Fund Options.

- From the Overview tab, click on the icon to see the detailed rating for each research criteria

- Tab across the menus to see:

  • Investment - performance and asset allocation data;
  • Fees - including administration, management costs, buy sell spread;
  • Insurance - provides calculations based on the data provided in Member Summary;
  • Member Servicing - member communications and education;
  • Administration - valuation processes, third party adviser servicing, member call centre, contribution collection; and
  • Governance - Trustee Structure, Service Providers and Public Disclosure.

2. Remove a product from the Comparison by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the Option name.

3. Switch the order the products are displayed by clicking on the rectangles to the left of the Option name and dragging and dropping to new position.


Downloading a Comparison Report

4. Click on the 'Generate Comparison Report' button to download a comprehensive 10 page document outlining the key components as outlined above in tabular and graphic format for each Option selected.



Sample pages from the Comparison Report



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