How is the contribution calculated?
The calculation uses the legislated contribution rate applied in that year, e.g. the current rate used is 9.5%.
Can you include additional contributions made by the client?
Currently this option is not available. All calculations are based on the legislated contribution rate over the period in which the analysis applies.
How many products can you compare in a single analysis?
You can compare up to three different products with different or similar risk profiles and strategies. You can also include a peer group average under ‘Summary Measures’.
How frequently is the data updated?
The data is updated quarterly and will be available approximately 6 weeks after each quarter end.
Where is the data sourced from?
The rack rate fees as published in the PDS are used for each calculation. Fee tiering and caps on balances are also taken into account.
What is ‘Summary Measures’ shown as a product option?
The Summary Measures are a peer group average. You can select the option type (balanced, growth etc) and then an option choice from average, median and top or bottom quartile
When using summary measures, what are the investment option choices?
AV All Super = average
BQ All Super = bottom quartile, i.e. bottom 25% of providers
ME All Super = median
MT All Super = Master Trust median
NFP All Super = Not for Profit fund median
TQ All Super = top quartile, i.e. top 25% of providers