The Net Benefit Comparison charts explained

Net Benefit Outcomes

Displays the Net Benefit results of the investment options selected.

What does it show?

The accumulated actual earnings that the investor would have received reduced by the actual fees charged to the investor over the time periods selected (up to 15 years of data is available depending on the options selected).


When to use it

These are useful to provide a summary of how each investment option would have grown in monetary terms after fees charged to the investor over the time periods selected.


Net Benefit Differences

Calculates the difference in net benefit results between the selected investment options over the time period selected.

What does it show?

How much the value of a super balance has grown net of all fees over the time period selected. This net benefit is measured against the first product selected for use in the comparison.




When to use it

This chart is useful to show how much a client’s super fund investment could have risen (or fallen) in value if it had been invested in one product versus another over a defined time period.



Net Benefit Growth

Demonstrates the cumulative total net benefit results over the selected period on an annual basis.

What does it show?

This chart demonstrates the net cumulative growth of the selected investment options over the selected period, assuming a starting balance of zero. The chart also includes how the peer group averages performed over the same time period.





When to use it

This chart is useful to understand how your selected investment options have grown in value over time, allowing you to make comparisons across different options and against peer groups averages.



Net Benefit Attribution

Provides a breakdown of the components that contribute towards the end account balance of the selected super fund investment options.

What does it show?

This chart and table provide a breakdown of how each selected investment option balance has increased or decreased over the selected period. It considers the various components that impact the ending balance as at the date selected, including:

  • Starting balance (as entered in the settings panel),
  • Plus the total accumulated contributions (based on the legislated rate),
  • Plus earnings (performance growth),
  • Minus the fees over the selected time period,
  • To provide the ending balance.

Note: This chart can only be run for one product at a time, with a single chart displaying for each option selected in the comparison.

Where a median or quartile has been selected for analysis, for the purposes of this attribution, the chart calculates the median or quartile of the total accumulated contributions, earnings, and fees components individually, and then aggregates the results to arrive at the final ending account balance. Given this, we note that medians/quartiles of the total earnings and fees may not aggregate to the median/quartile of other overall net benefit results due to the non-additive property of medians.




When to use it

This chart is useful to illustrate to a client the impact that fees can have on the ending balance of a super fund investment option over a defined period.



Earnings-to-Fee Ratio

The earnings-to-fee ratio calculates the return an investor will get for each dollar they spend on fees.

What does it show?

This chart shows the relationship between the investment returns earned relative to the fees charged for each investment options selected.




When to use it

This chart can be used to demonstrate how much value relative to fees a selected investment option provides compared to another product.



Range of Outcomes

For each of the time periods shown in this chart, the investment options selected are shown relative to the minimum and maximum results of other investment options of a similar option type.

What does it show?

This chart demonstrates how the selected options have performed relative to similar option types. The grey bar illustrates the range of returns between the minimum and maximum returns for the peer group, with the different dots representing the net balance for each of your selected options. 




When to use it

This chart is useful to illustrate the range of returns for similar option types and how the selected option has performed within this based on performance net of fees.



Earnings Versus Fees

This chart assesses the relationship between investment earnings relative to the fees charged for that investment option.

What does it show?

Plotted against a peer group of investment options with similar option type attributes, this chart illustrates how the selected investment options perform based on earnings relative to fees charged.





When to use it

This chart can be useful to demonstrate how your selected investment options compare to their peers when considering fees and earnings.



Net Benefit Trend Analysis

This chart compares the short- and long-term performance between the selected investment options and their peers across two defined time periods.

What does it show?

This chart will help identify any trend analysis of the net benefit results for the selected investment options across two time periods, compared against a peer group of similar investment options.

You can select the time periods to use from the settings menu the time periods selected (up to 15 years of data is available dependent on the options selected).





When to use it

This chart can be used to view how the selected investment option has compared versus peers over different periods of time. 





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