It is possible for you to share saved Product Groups and portfolios with other users within your business.
This allows you to all work within your own iRate log-in but access the same saved groups of products, such as your APL or specific lists you create using the Product Group functionality, or share and work from the same portfolios.
How to share a Product Group or Portfolio
The first step is to create the Product Group or portfolio (click on these links to learn how to do this for Product Groups, and Portfolios)
Sharing a Product Group
- Go to Custom Settings > My Custom Settings and click on the name of the Product Group you want to share
- In the side panel click on the Share With box and a list of iRate users within your business will show, select as many of these users as you wish from the list
- Once you have selected each user click on Share
Sharing a Portfolio
- Go to Tools> Portfolio Construction > Load Existing and click on the name of the portfolio you want to share
- In the side panel scroll down until you see the Share With box, click on the box and a list of iRate users within your business will show, select as many of these users as you wish from the list
- Once you have selected each user click on Update, accept the changes
- Click on Save
Viewing shared Product Groups and Portfolios
All selected users will be able to see the shared Product Groups and Users in the menus where they select previously created product groups or portfolios. they are de-noted by a "S" next to the name
All users are able to receive rating change alert emails for shared Product Groups and Portfolios, click here to learn how to do this this