Ensure you never miss a rating change again for any products you use regularly and are saved in a Product Group or portfolio.
The alert emails are sent direct to your mailbox when a rating changes for a product saved in one your Product Groups or shared portfolios, with the functionality extended to include those Product Groups and Portfolios which have been shared between multiple users in your business so all team members will know when a rating changes.
How to set up rating change alerts
- Go to Custom Settings > Emails and News Alerts
- Under Alert Emails click open the sub-category, e.g. iRate Fund Rating Alert
- Look for the option "Shared Product Group" and select the product group(s) from under this header you want to receive the alert for
- Or look for "Shared Portfolio" and select the portfolio(s)from under this header you want to receive the alert for
- You can select as many product groups and/or portfolios as you wish to receive alerts for both your own personal ones, shared and company-wide ones
- Once you have made all your selections click on Update Preferences at the bottom of the page