Creating a Product Group

Product Groups can be useful if there is a group of products you monitor or need to access information for on a regular basis, for example your APL.

Product Search can be used to create both simple and highly tailored Product Groups.

For example, a simple Product Group can be created by searching for funds in 'Australian Equities' which are 'Highly Recommended'.

Alternatively, highly tailored Product groups can be created using more specific search criteria and built incrementally using multiple searches and selecting 'Add to an existing product group'

Remember: to create a product list in iRate for which you have the APIR codes, simply paste the APIR codes into the search box, select the funds and click 'Create Product Group'.  More...


Simple Product Group Creation
1. Search for the products
2. From the Search Results or Shortlisted Products tab, click on 'Create Product Group'
3. Click on 'Create Product Group'
4. Enter a name for the Product Group if creating a new one, or select the one you wish to add more products to from



For information on managing your Product Groups click here...

Monitoring of your Product Groups, click here...

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