Managing your Product Groups

Go to Custom Setting > Product Groups from the menu bar

Select the product group you wish to view or modify from the list.

From here you are now able to:

  1. Add products to your product group. More... 
  2. Delete a product from your product group by clicking on the black circle and cross to the right of the product. To delete the whole product group go to Edit and select Delete.
  3. Rename your Product Group via the Edit menu
  4. To duplicate your Product Group, go to Save and Select Save As. Enter a new name for the product group and then make any changes as required. E.g. add new funds or delete products
  5. Use Export to send your product groups to other areas of iRate, including Portfolio Construction and Quantitative Analysis, export to Excel or email to yourself or a colleague



TIP: The Save As feature is useful if you save your APL and track the changes you make from one APL to the next on each review/ over time



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