Including a Lonsec Managed Account in a portfolio

It is possible to include the range of Lonsec Managed Accounts (LMA) as a single line item in your portfolios.

Note: When including in this format, iRate will import the portfolio with its time-series history which reflects all fund and asset allocation weighting changes since inception. All asset allocation data is calculated at the underlying fund level.

The Portfolio Construction tool is located at Tools >  Portfolio Construction

1. Create your portfolio following the standard process. Find out more here.

2. Add a Managed Account to your portfolio by going to Add at the top of the page.

The LMA are stored under the 'Managed Funds' tab. To locate the portfolios, type 'Lonsec' in the search box. 

The full list of Managed Accounts will appear in the drop down box, click on the one(s) you want to include in your portfolio

You can add other products to your portfolio following the same process, learn more here.


3. Add the asset allocation weight for the LMA and other products included in the portfolio.

4. (Optional) Create a new asset class category for the LMA and move it from the 'Other' category using the 'Add Asset Class' feature. Learn more here about how this works.

5. Click on Save once the portfolio is built.


You are now able to run Portfolio Comparisons for this portfolios against others you have created or run custom portfolio reports.




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